Thursday, August 4, 2011

Wk1 reading: Copyright issues

Via flickr

Copyright basics have always made enough sense to me to understand. Especially being an artist, I can see why when you create something, you want to protect it, and get recognition from it. But the legal jargon and the extent of it have always confused me until my readings/ videos for this week in MAC/FSO. All the complexities associated with it, for example fair use, baffled me when I noticed how others used other’s works. Mayer & Bettle adorably explained it as well as the producers behind Creative Commons (which can be found in the links below).

Inspiration comes from all over and sometimes ideas need to be tweaked, copied, and remixed to get creativity flowing or to learn the necessary techniques to eventually develop your own style. All art was influenced by another idea so I can see how copyright issues and personal censorship of one’s material can hinder creativity and the progression of our culture as a whole. The videos have shined a new light on how difficult it is for certain material to be continuously publicized to newer generations if the funds are not there; which was a sad result. That’s like your parents telling you to learn from their mistakes but never telling you what their mistakes were.

Creative Commons have made this whole issue, especially in the digital age, with fair use easier for artist/creators of all types. It’s brought back a willingness to contribute freely to each other. It is something I constantly use & highly grateful for when it comes to looking for inspiration and reference photos effortlessly.

If copyright laws are too strict on top of our art & music already being written off as insignificant and disposable in our educational system, our students’ creativity is doomed. If you have the time and need a better grasp of the copyright issues and fair use, I highly suggest these links as well.

Ttyl - Missy

Readings/Video Links:
Courtesy of Prof. Bustillos


  1. Missy: The creative commons information was really great. I can see how you would find all of the copyright information useful with you being an artist. It is something that teachers tend to "not think" about frequently as they "borrow" a lot of material and creative commons will definitely help with this.

  2. Excellent analogy, trying to learn from our parents' mistakes without being told what those mistakes were. In fact, I very much believe that this need for rigid copyright/sense of ownership flies in the face of how new artists learn their craft: they learn by copying. That's been the practice since the beginning of time with apprentices working for masters copying the master's work so that the master can generate revenue while the apprentice's skills grow. It's just wrong.
