Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Using Glogster in the Classroom

Glogster.com picture
Another GLOG Lesson Plan

Primary Subject - Social Studies
Secondary Subjects – Art/Design, English                                     Grade Level - Middle School 

       To explore the concept of community through images and words. Students will become familiar with definitions of community and consider their roles in a chosen community.

Students will
       Define community
       Brainstorm different types of community
       Explore photography as a means of depicting a community
       Use writing to describe their roles in a chosen community
       Create a digital poster, GLOG, of images and words that illustrate the chosen community

       Classroom digital camera(s)
       Classroom computer(s) with printer and card reader/ Lab
       Smartboad, whiteboard, or overhead projector
       Interesting photographs or several photography books or magazines

Procedure - Step A
       Work with the students to create headings which define the basic types of communities.

Possible headings proposed by Finnegan (1994) are:
1.     Locality or place
2.     Common interests, not necessarily localized
3.     Localities or groups bound by close ties, such as family or neighborliness.

       Discuss factors, which may influence the development of a sense of community within a social group.
1.     Possible factors include kinship and marriage, language, religion, nationality, ethnicity, culture, residential persistence, availability of community organizations, etc.
2.     Emphasize not only the cohesive quality of community, but also the potential for internal conflict. Mills (2004) points out that conflicts within communities can be more embittered than conflicts among strangers due to the high degree of knowledge conflicting parties possess concerning their opponents in the dispute.

       As a group:
1.     Brainstorm to develop a list of communities familiar to the students.
2.     Place them under the appropriate headings on the board or with an overhead projector

       As individuals:
1.     Have the students compose their own personal definitions of "community."
2.     Using classroom dictionaries, the students can then find a published definition.

Procedure: Step B
       Introduce students to the camera as a tool for depicting a community.

       Distribute the following worksheet to introduce terms used in analyzing and discussing photographs (Way, 2006).

Guide sheet:

1.     Subject (Who/What is in the picture?)
2.     Setting (Where was the picture taken?)
3.     Background (What is behind the subject?)
4.     Foreground (What is in front of the subject?)
5.     Focus (Is any part of the picture clear or blurry? Was this intentional?)
6.     Vantage Point/Point of View (Where was the photographer when he or she took the picture? Below the subject? Above the subject? Very close? Far away?)
7.     Composition (Describe the lines, shapes, patterns, and colors in the image.)
8.     Lighting (Quality: Is the lighting soft and diffused or hard and contrasty?
9.     Direction: Where is the light coming from in the picture?)
10.  Mood (How does the picture make you feel?)
11.  Meaning (What does this picture say to you?)

       Divide the class into groups. Give each group a photocopied photograph (or they can choose one from a photography book or magazine) and ask them to write down ideas about what they can learn about the people depicted by studying the photo. Have each group present their photograph and ideas and encourage the class to comment and share additional ideas.

       Distribute a quick guide to taking good photographs such as the one found at the following link http://www.ehow.com/how_4877017_good-photograph.html. Discuss the guide with the students. 

       Provide a quick overview of the use of the classroom digital camera(s).
       Tour the Glogster website & do a Q&A session to familiarize the class with the platform before they officially use it.

Procedure: Step C
       Assign the students a writing exercise.
       Have them write a description of the community they have chosen for their final project.
       What characteristics distinguish this community?
       What factors connect the members? Think back to the 3 types of communities and the factors discussed in Step A.
       What role do they play in this community?
       Why have they selected this community to share with the class?
       What does it mean to them to be a part of this community?

       Have the students make a list of possible photographs which they would like to take which would capture important elements of this community.

       Assign the students the task of taking pictures of their community. Set a schedule and plan with students about the required number of photographs and the due date.

       Groups can download and view their photographs on the classroom computer, for future reference they should be uploaded to a class Flckr page. Have the students take notes and critique their photographs, commenting on how they might improve the picture if they were to take the photograph again. 

       The following exercise can help students prepare for writing captions for their photographs. Again students should be supplied with a number of photographs to study for the purpose of the exercise (Way, 2006).  Pretend you are a curator and need to write a caption that tells the viewers the essential information about the picture.  (This will eventually become the elements of their Glogs).

Guide sheet:

       Write a new caption for the picture.

       Start by writing what you see in the image. 

I see...
       Expand to what you think the photograph is saying (the theme). 

This photography is saying that...
       Revise your writing to create one sentence that tells the theme of the picture.

       Now revise that sentence to make sure your caption is concise and uses clear and specific language.

       When students have taken their photographs, they can pair up to critique their photos and select the ones they wish to use in their final Glog project. If editing software is available, students can be allowed to prepare their photographs for inclusion in their Glog posters.
       Once the photographs are finalized, students can write captions and arrange the final elements on their digital poster (Glog) to complete their project.  Other elements/features (video, audio, additional text, etc.) can be required for additional assessment. Posters can be printed displayed in the classroom or both can be used to create a virtual/real-world exhibition can be scheduled complete with refreshments and an opportunity for each student to present & discuss their work.

This is a great introductory lesson plan to begin a Service Learning Curriculum Unit.


Inspired by “Exploring Community through Photography” 
By - Carol McRae

Finnegan (1994) as referenced in Mills, Dennis. (May 2004). Defining community: A critical review of ‘community’ in Family and Community History. Community History. 7(1). 

Mills, Dennis. (May 2004). Defining community: A critical review of ‘community’ in Family and Community History. Community History. 7(1).

Way, Cynthia. Focus on photography: A curriculum guide. International Center of Photography, 2006. Retrieved from http://www.icp.org/index.php?q=school/community-programs/teacher-resources

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