Saturday, August 13, 2011

Comments on Classmates' Blog Post Wk 2 - "The Art of Possibility":

Cheryl McGovern
"This picture depicts this weeks reading exactly as I interpret it. Life is what we make of it. We choose the direction. There were many things in the reading that I enjoyed. I loved how the author described success and failure as a two sided coin, but if we choose contribution instead, it is a one sided coin and therefore a win-win situation for all. I also loved the wording well heeled and down at the heel. I had never heard that before. It must be the way that other countries describe the highs and lows of life. Something else that would do us all good to remember is to "engage people in your passion for life", and "don't speak to cynicism, but to passion" (Art of Possibility). I try to envision a world where there was no cynicism, only passion for life, and it is definitely a mind blower! The thought of giving all students an A the first day of class was awesome! Can you even begin to imagine the look on a bunch of kids faces the first day you handed out all A's? Talk about a jaw dropping experience! The thought of throwing your arms up in the air and exclaiming "how fascinating" when you make a mistake is also cute. All in all, I think that this weeks reading had the intended effect on me. It got me thinking, and at just the right time. School is beginning and this was a great reminder that life is all a story, and it is all in the way we choose to tell it! Have a great day!"


Those were really great moments the book, I thought too. The idea of a world where no one spoke to cynicism would be a dream. It baffles my mind to know it could all be so simple with just a change of thought. I guess we can at least hope with others learning to contribute that love that it matters to one “starfish”. ;)


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