Monday, January 24, 2011


A Practical Experience 5

So far...Loving Glogster!  It was not as complicated as it looks, thank goodness. :)  Even with the basic package there is still a lot of features to choose from.  I am using the basic account and I really enjoyed the variety of possibilities.  AND I am quite proud of my little poster, although it may not be as creative as I have seen many of the students come up with, I'm still pleased with what I got so far.  That reminds me...if you are not ready to publish you can save and go back; another great option.  

Overall I believe this tool will be a valuable asset to my CBR project personally because it will allow the students to custom promote involvement in the beginning, promote for donations throughout the process, and display the results of their efforts in print and media.  They could also use Glogster to present their final journal reflection and thoughts on service learning as a whole in the class.

I know you have been waiting, so here it is... :)


If you'd like to interact with it, just click here.  I hope you like it and look into Glogging too!
Thanks for stopping by! 
Comment, share, or follow - always appreciated!

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