Friday, January 7, 2011

BP1_Welcome to My Blog


Stanford EdTech – 

Our generation may have began the digital age with the introduction of technology into the classroom but the next generation is showing us how much it needs to become a staple in their lives to truly reach them.  This blog will be a quick resource for educators, parents, or students who want to learn simple ways technology can be implemented into learning, reviews on Web 2.0 tools that may be useful, and general ideas on the present and future of educational technology – compliments of my journey through the MS in Ed. Media Design & Technology program from Full Sail University. 
I invite you to follow this journey into exploring the world of Educational technology with me and even offer suggestions or tools that you may think other educators and I may also be interested in reviewing.  Our students today are fully immersed in technology and it is our responsibility to teach them how they can use these skills to their advantage in learning and cater to their digital environment.

“The new electronic interdependence recreates the world in the image of a global village”.
–Marshall McLuhan
Stanford EdTech –


  1. It does take a village. Wonderful..."but if even one sentence I share helps or informs anyone in any form then my presence here is justified..." and valued.
