Saturday, January 15, 2011


During the EMDT program at Full Sail University much of our assignments require us to utilize iMovie.  Starting in August I have never used a MAC (which is provided & exclusively used during the program) let alone even heard of iMovie, since then it has all been trial and error. 

Then I saw the light! Ahhh…in the program we were also provided with a 1yr subscription to  Why didn’t I think of this before? IDK! But it’s definitely a plus.  :)

 Accordingly, I will be utilizing this program for the next few blogs to demonstrate my journey through the iMovie tutorial provided by as well as documenting it for this forth month’s class, ETC, to show mastery with a software.

Here we go, wish me luck!

End of Chapter 5 -

For the first few chapters (1-5) it covers most of what I have learned through trial & error and Apple tutorials.  Although there were little things here and there, like the shortcuts, that I may not have learned so easily, for instance, organizing the actual projects into folders is a great tip that I’ll use. 

Within these chapters I also learned how to do customizations from audio to title and fine tuning the clips in a more advanced mode. 

I thought I was pretty good at iMovie for a rookie but I’m learning that there are a lot of little (and some major) editing tools that I have been overlooking that can make my videos even more intriguing. 

So, stay tuned for the continued journey…

Thanks for stopping by!

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