Sunday, January 9, 2011


Using iGoogle to organize my Personalized Learning Environment 

Are you having trouble with organization? How about organizing your virtual environment? Well today I’ll show you an example of how you can use your personal Google homepage to create an organized environment but as a student, more so, structuring your Personalized Learning Environment to create some kind of balance with your personal and educational virtual life - in a way.   *In my very best game show host voice*  

With this very FREE, :) always a plus, and great feature offered by Google you could organize your homepage, or “environment”, in a single site that keeps you connected to all your favorite or most visited sites.  It’s like having your Favorites/Bookmarks folder right at your fingertips. For instance, I use my custom homepage iGoogle for my “personal” sites and interests and the other tabs (set by me/the user) for various school sites or educational resources that I’ll be utilizing along the way.

Here’s what mine looks like and how my tabs are labeled (you can create as many as you like):


CBR - Challenge Based Research 

ETC - Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture

I'm big on efficiency lol, maybe it's a Virgo thing but whatever the case, I really enjoy this feature because it does seem to give me some sense of organization.  Thus, I highly recommend you try it and some of the gadgets you can add are really cool and usually available from most of the Popular sites!

Hope you like it and if you have suggestions, or if you'd like a Video Demo let me know.
Suggest, comment, follow, & Thanks for stopping by! :)

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