Sunday, January 9, 2011

BP3_Tag Galaxy


This is a Web 2.0 tool Review….

New to Web 2.0? That’s ok; I’m still a rookie as well but to put it simply:

Web 2.0 tools are more user-centered interactive sites that are suited towards giving the control back to the user rather than the host. There are a variety of tools/sites available for almost anything you can think of, from custom search sites to blogs :), yeah! But for the most part the reviews here will be focused on their use in an educational setting. 

Today I’ll be reviewing a Web 2.0 tool Wikipedia has defined as, “folksonomy” – fun word right? No, just me…ok. Any-who, it’s basically one of those search sites that are arranged and tagged (labeled) into various categories by the users (Open to the public of Flickr). 

*drum roll*       TAG GALAXY (  

This collaboration/tag site is sometimes described as a “tag cloud” because it’s a visual search, which is my favorite! I’m that visual learner so I apologize in advance for being bias with some reviews. :) Back to the folksonomy - i still say it's a fun word. Users/students can use this site to search the tags for visual representations.  It can be used to look up vocabulary words, key words for presentations, or to give them that visual connection they may need for comprehension.   The following is an example using the tag “technology”.

First it takes you to a solar system based on your tag.  The "sun" is the original tag and the planets orbiting it are possible narrowed ideas of the tag.  (I then clicked “MAC”, which then becomes the center.)

…then “Computer”,  becoming the center again.

Once you are have it narrowed down and click on the center planet, pictures (provided by Flickr) surround the planet.  Each picture is interactive…

For instance,  I clicked on Steve Jobs and he floats off the planet of pictures accompanied with a informative summary box.  The summary pertains to your tag and links you to the page on Flckr where it is located.

Dragging the mouse back and forth near the planet will spin it accordingly revealing more pictures.  Need even more? Just click the right arrow at the top of the screen and a whole new “layer” will encompass the planet again. The animation during the whole process is just down right awesome in itself, and worth exploring for that fact alone! :)

I hope you enjoyed the review and hope you check it out.  There are many ways students can use this site and I encourage you to share it.  

*IMPORTANT NOTE* you may want to search the words/tags before your students because the pictures are tagged by the public and you may not know for sure if anything inappropriate for their age will come up. A pre-approved list is a great idea that the blogger/teacher below suggested.

(I was introduced to Tag Galaxy via:
  one of my favorite go-to blog/sites for a great technology resource.)

Please comment, suggest, and follow if you like. :)

"Knowledge is of two kinds; we know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it."
-Samuel Johnson


  1. This looks like a fun tool! I can just imagine the fun photo projects kids can create with this type of tool. I like the galaxy feel to it and the idea of a photo planetary system. It make it even more fun to play with. I can see students creating photo projects using tag galaxy with their own pictures. I am a little iffy about the availability of public pictures and see that lots of work will have to be put in before introducing this to students to make sure they don't fall to inappropriate pictures. Teaching middle schoolers, I already know that they will search for foolishness just to see what can come up first lol!

  2. Wow what a cool tool. It is a lot of fun and very easy to use. It is a great way for teachers and students post pictures of their class, groups, and each other.

  3. Melissa:
    I think that this is an excellent Web 2.0 tool. Thanks for the great presentation and wonderful screenshots.

  4. Hmmm, a bit overwhelming for me. Is this sort of like doing an image search? An excellent job of presenting the tool though.

  5. I think this is really great! I'm going to give it a shot with one of the girls I tutor. She is very into pictures editing. Thank for the great presentation.
